Selasa, 03 April 2012

Happy Birthday My Lovely "JeFit Andjza"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sayangku tersayang :-*

Semoga diberi umur panjang dan harapan kamu selalu dikabulkan Allah SWT . . nantikan kejutan dari aku . . hehehehe :-*

Tiup lilinnya dulu sayang :-P

i LOVE you . muach :-*

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

You're My Inspiration :-*

Buat sayangku JeFit Andjza . . i Love you more :-*

apa yang kamu punya semuanya adalah INSPIRASIKU . jangan pernah berenti buat aku BERINSPIRASI . .
meski aku belum bisa ngasih apa-apa buat kamu sayang -_-

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Materi Bahasa Inggris : Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense

Purpose :
to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

The generic structure of Narrative text :
Orientation :
It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).
2.     Complication :
Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them.
3.      Resolution :
The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.
4.      Re-orientation :
The ending of the story.
5.      Evaluation :    
              The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral message of the story

Kind of Narrative text :
1. Legend : Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, etc.
2. Fable : Mousedeer and crocodile.
3. Fairy tale : Cinderella, Snow white, Pinocchio, etc.
4. Science fiction

Example of Narrative text :
Sleeping Beauty
Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day, “If only we had a child!” But for a long time they had none.
One day, as the Queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, “Your wish shall be fulfilled. Before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world.”
And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a year had passed the Queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that the King could not contain himself for joy. He prepared a great feast and invited all his friends, family and neighbours. He invited the fairies, too, in order that they might be kind and good to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but as the King only had twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of the fairies had to be left out. None of the guests was saddened by this as the thirteenth fairy was known to be cruel and spiteful.
An amazing feast was held and when it came to an end, each of the fairies presented the child with a magic gift. One fairy gave her virtue, another beauty, a third riches and so on — with everything in the world that anyone could wish for.
After eleven of the fairies had presented their gifts, the thirteenth suddenly appeared. She was angry and wanted to show her spite for not having been invited to the feast. Without hesitation she called out in a loud voice,
“When she is fifteen years old, the Princess shall prick herself with a spindle and shall fall down dead!”
Then without another word, she turned and left the hall.
The guests were horrified and the Queen fell to the floor sobbing, but the twelfth fairy, whose wish was still not spoken, quietly stepped forward. Her magic could not remove the curse, but she could soften it so she said,
“Nay, your daughter shall not die, but instead shall fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years.”
Over the years, the promises of the fairies came true — one by one. The Princess grew to be beautiful, modest, kind and clever. Everyone who saw her could not help but love her.
The King and Queen were determined to prevent the curse placed on the Princess by the spiteful fairy and sent out a command that all the spindles in the whole kingdom should be destroyed. No one in the kingdom was allowed to tell the Princess of the curse that had been placed upon her for they did not want her to worry or be sad.
On the morning of her fifteenth birthday, the Princess awoke early — excited to be another year older. She was up so early in the morning, that she realized everyone else still slept. The Princess roamed through the halls trying to keep herself occupied until the rest of the castle awoke. She wandered about the whole place, looking at rooms and halls as she pleased and at last she came to an old tower. She climbed the narrow, winding staircase and reached a little door. A rusty key was sticking in the lock and when she turned it, the door flew open.
In a little room sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax. The old woman was so deaf that she had never heard the King’s command that all spindles should be destroyed.
“Good morning, Granny,” said the Princess, “what are you doing?”
“I am spinning,” said the old woman.
“What is the thing that whirls round so merrily?” asked the Princess and she took the spindle and tried to spin too.
But she had scarcely touched the spindle when it pricked her finger. At that moment she fell upon the bed which was standing near and lay still in a deep sleep.
The King, Queen and servants had all started their morning routines and right in the midst of them fell asleep too. The horses fell asleep in the stable, the dogs in the yard, the doves on the roof and the flies on the wall. Even the fire in the hearth grew still and went to sleep. The kitchen maid, who sat with a chicken before her, ready to pluck its feathers, fell asleep. The cook was in the midst of scolding the kitchen boy for a mess he’d made but they both fell fast asleep. The wind died down and on the trees in front of the castle not a leaf stirred.
Round the castle a hedge of brier roses began to grow up. Every year it grew higher until at last nothing could be seen of the sleeping castle.
There was a legend in the land about the lovely Sleeping Beauty, as the King’s daughter was called, and from time to time Princes came and tried to force their way through the hedge and into the castle. But they found it impossible for the thorns, as though they were alive, grabbed at them and would not let them through.
After many years a Prince came again to the country and heard an old man tell the tale of the castle which stood behind the brier hedge and the beautiful Princess who had slept within for a hundred years. He heard also that many Princes had tried to make it through the brier hedge but none had succeeded and many had been caught in it and died.
The the young Prince said, “I am not afraid. I must go and see this Sleeping Beauty.”
The good old man did all in his power to persuade him not to go, but the Prince would not listen.
Now the hundred years were just ended. When the Prince approached the brier hedge it was covered with beautiful large roses. The shrubs made way for him of their own accord and let him pass unharmed.
In the courtyard, the Prince saw the horses and dogs lying asleep. On the roof sat the sleeping doves with their heads tucked under their wings. When he went into the house, the flies were asleep on the walls and the servants asleep in the halls. Near the throne lay the King and Queen, sleeping peacefully beside each other. In the kitchen the cook, the kitchen boy and the kitchen maid all slept with their heads resting on the table.
The Prince went on farther. All was so still that he could hear his own breathing. At last he reached the tower and opened the door into the little room where the Princess was asleep. There she lay, looking so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off her. He bent down and gave her a kiss. As he touched her, Sleeping Beauty opened her eyes and smiled up at him.
Throughout the castle, everyone and everything woke up and looked at each other with astonished eyes. Within the month, the Prince and Sleeping Beauty were married and lived happily all their lives.

Materi Bahasa Inggris : Procedure Text

To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.

Text Organization:
  • Goal:
(The final purpose of doing the instructions)
  • Materials:
(ingredients, utensils, equipment to do the instructions)
  • Steps:
(a set of instructions to achieve the final purpose)

The Procedure of Making Meatballs

What you need for the ingredients
  • 1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 grams of tapioca-flour
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of salt

The steps to make meatballs
1.  These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs, just meatball, the soup is made separately.
2.    First of all,mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
3.    Second step, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
4.   After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
5.   Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
6.   Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.
7.  Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface the meatball are ready to serve.

Materi Bahasa Inggris : Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a kind of text to describe something

describe a particular place/ thing/ person

Generic Structure :
^ Identification (mention the special participant)
^ Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being described)

Niagara Falls is a famous area of waterfalls. It is one of the most beautiful natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The Niagara River forms part of the border between Canada and the United States. At Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada is on one side of the river, and the U.S. state of New York is on the other side.
Niagara Falls really has two waterfalls. The Horseshoe Falls are in Canada, and the American Falls are in the United States.
The Niagara River drops into a steep gorge or canyon, at the falls. Most of the water flows over the Horseshoe Falls. They are not as high as the American Falls, but they are 2,600 feet (792 metres) wide–about 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometre). The American Falls are about 1,000 feet (305 metres) wide.
Beyond the falls are the Whirlpool Rapids. There, the powerful swirling water has carved a bowl out of the rock.
At night, coloured lights shine on the thundering falls. About 10 million people visit Niagara Falls each year.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Kimia Pangan : Tepung Berprotein

Gluten adalah campuran amorf (bentuk tak beraturan) dari protein yang terkandung bersama pati dalam endosperma (dan juga tepung yang dibuat darinya) beberapa serealia, terutama gandum, gandum hitam, dan jelai. Dari ketiganya, gandumlah yang paling tinggi kandungan glutennya. Kandungan gluten dapat mencapai 80% dari total protein dalam tepung, dan terdiri dari protein gliadin dan glutenin. Gluten membuat adonan kenyal dan dapat mengembang karena bersifat kedap udara.
Gluten dapat digunakan untuk membuat daging imitasi (terutama daging bebek) untuk hidangan vegetarian dan vegan. Tepung roti banyak mengandung gluten, sementara tepung kue lebih sedikit. Ada sejumlah orang yang tidak dapat mengonsumsi gluten karena reaksi daya tahan tubuh merusak dinding usus halus, dan hanya dapat ditangani bila penderita tidak makan gluten seumur hidup.
Gluten adalah tipe khusus protein yang dibentuk oleh ikatan dari dua protein lain, gliadin dan glutenin, dan umumnya ditemukan dalam gandum, gandum dan barley. Akibatnya ditemukan pada kebanyakan jenis sereal dan dalam banyak jenis roti meskipun tidak semua biji-bijian mengandung gluten. Beberapa butir yang tidak mengandung gluten liar termasuk beras, jagung, quinoa dan gandum.
Gluten dapat dihapus dari tepung gandum tapi hampir tidak mungkin untuk menghapus SEMUA perekat. Bahkan makanan berlabel bebas gluten mengandung jumlah jejak gluten.
Tepung terigu merupakan jenis yang paling umum digunakan dalam kue tepung roti. Sebuah biji gandum sebenarnya adalah sebuah benih yang terdiri dari 3 bagian: dedak, kuman dan endosperm. Dedak adalah kulit luar yang keras, kuman adalah tanaman gandum embrio dan endosperm digunakan sebagai sumber makanan oleh kuman dalam pengembangan awal. Bekatul adalah sumber yang kaya protein, kuman sumber vitamin, dan endosperm merupakan sumber karbohidrat, ditambah beberapa protein, mineral dan minyak.
Kualitas gluten sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pembuatan roti, ada dua hal yang terjadi pada waktu proses pembuatan roti yaitu: gas production dan gas retention. Gas yang dihasilkan dari ragi (Saccharomyces cereviseae) pada proses fermentasi adalah CO2, sedangkan gas retention adalah kemampuan dari gluten untuk menahan gas CO2 yang dihasilkan oleh ragi tersebut, dimana fungsi gluten adalah sebagai rangka/penopang struktur roti. Kualitas gluten yang bagus adalah yang dapat menahan gas dengan baik (extensible), sehingga mendapatkan volume roti yang besar. Kualitas gluten juga akan mempengaruhi pada kualitas roti (volume, serat/remah, dan struktur roti).
Semua komponen ini memiliki efek pada proses pembuatan roti, jadi memahami apa menguleni Anda lakukan akan hampir pasti membuat Anda seorang tukang roti yang lebih baik. Jadi, karbohidrat yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar oleh ragi, ikatan protein untuk membentuk semua helai gluten penting, dan mineral yang digunakan untuk memperkuat helai gluten. Minyak ini membantu untuk menjaga kelembaban sehingga menjaga roti lebih lembut lebih lama.
Ketika air ditambahkan ke tepung gluten terbentuk. Gluten membantu membuat roti elastis Anda, menyediakan bahwa tekstur, bagus kenyal itu bila dimakan. Untuk alasan ini, tepung yang telah memiliki sebagian besar gluten yang dihapus menghasilkan adonan lengket yang terasa sedikit seperti permen karet.
Sebagai gluten merupakan protein elastis dapat benar-benar ditarik untuk membentuk untaian panjang. Semakin ia bekerja, semakin lama dan stretchier menjadi. Helai ini membentuk sebuah jala yang kompleks yang membantu untuk menjebak gelembung karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan oleh ragi selama fermentasi, sehingga menciptakan gelembung gas di dalam adonan. Ini adalah proses Anda mendorong ketika menguleni adonan Anda, sehingga Anda mudah-mudahan dapat menghargai, adonan diremas juga merupakan prasyarat untuk roti well-formed. Gluten juga perusahaan ketika dimasak dan membantu memastikan roti mempertahankan bentuknya. Kelemahan dari ini adalah bahwa gluten diyakini sebagian bertanggung jawab karena menyebabkan roti menjadi basi (bersama dengan butiran pati). Gluten adalah juga mampu menyerap cairan, yang mengapa roti mampu menyerap kaldu dan sup.
Tepung gandum cenderung dinilai oleh berapa banyak kualitas protein tinggi (dan karenanya gluten) hadir dalam tepung:
1.   Tepung kuat (atau tepung roti) memiliki proporsi tinggi protein berkualitas tinggi yang akan menghasilkan persentase yang tinggi dari gluten (sekitar 15%). Ini adalah tepung roti khas diperlukan untuk dibuat dengan ragi. Roti Yeasted umumnya dikenal sebagai roti beragi. Tepung roti dapat putih, coklat atau gandum.
2.   Tepung terigu protein atau soft memiliki kualitas rendah dan menghasilkan persentase yang lebih rendah gluten (7-9%). Sebagai gluten yang terbentuk dari protein kualitas rendah itu kurang elastis dan cenderung untuk snap. Ini berarti bahwa untai tidak dapat membentuk mesh untuk menjebak gelembung gas yang dihasilkan dalam tekstur gembur. Namun, properti ini membuat tepung ini cocok untuk membuat kue dan kue kering.
Gluten adalah juga penting dalam penyakit celiac. Ini adalah kondisi autoimun yang menghambat pencernaan gluten.
Ada macam – macam tepung yang memiliki tiga tingkatan protein, yaitu :
1.   Tepung protei tinggi (hard flour) mengandung 14% protein, digunakan untuk berbagai roti dan mi. Contoh : terigu merk Cakra Kembar, Kereta Kencana, dll.
2.  Tepung protein sedang (medium flour) mengandung 13% protein, digunakan untuk berbagai macam makanan (all purpose). Contoh : terigu merk Segitiga Biru, Gunung Bromo, dll
3.    Tepung protein rendah (soft flour) mengandung 10,5% - 11,5% protein, digunakan untuk kue-kue yang lembut dan renyah, seperti sponge cake dan cookies/biskuit. Contoh : terigu merk Kunci Biru, Lencana Merah, Kunci Mas, dll

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